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Nachhaltigkeit ist neben unserem Kernthema, der Digitalisierung, der zweite globale Megatrend, der unser aller Zusammenleben, unsere Art des Wirtschaftens und unsere Lebensqualität in den nächsten Jahren entscheidend prägen wird. Wir sind überzeugt, dass diese beiden Themen hervorragend zusammenpassen und dass sie sich gegenseitig befeuern können. Und wir sind uns sicher, dass nachhaltiges Denken und Handeln unserem Unternehmen langfristigen und stabilen Erfolg bescheren werden. Und so verbessern wir uns ständig darin, als Firma verantwortungsvoll mit den natürlichen Ressourcen umzugehen, den Menschen in unserem Umfeld mit Achtung und Respekt zu begegnen und unsere Geschäftsziele auf der Basis unserer Werte zu verfolgen.

Our sustainability certificates

ti&m meets the sustainability requirements according to ISO 14001, 9001 and 27001 and has been awarded by EcoVadis.

The international standard for environmental management, ISO 14001, defines globally recognized requirements for an environmental management system. ISO 9001 defines the requirements for quality management systems. And with our company's information security management system, based on ISO 27001, we implement state-of-the-art security mechanisms.

ti&m was awarded the silver medal by EcoVadis, the world's largest and most reliable provider of corporate sustainability ratings.

Our values


Direct dialog with people is more important to us than methodology or process. Knowledge beats hierarchy.

Courage to innovate

We break rules and set new benchmarks.


Our clients’ success and our desire for technical excellence drive everything we do.

Sustainable growth

We create stable value in harmony with our clients, our employees, society, and the environment.

Respect & tolerance

Openness, tolerance, and playing to individual strengths and characteristics are the foundation for our agile teamwork.


We represent the balance between innovation and quality, between speed and reliability.

Our strategies for sustainable digitalization

ti&m stands for equal opportunities and fairness.

For us, our employees’ well-being is the foundation of our potential.

ti&m focuses on efficiency and proximity in its work with its clients.

This is how we create local jobs and support the local economy.

ti&m uses resources economically and intelligently.

Our stewardship of valuable resources protects people and the environment. We promote sustainable mobility.

ti&m supports the conscious development of expertise in sustainability.

We establish the relevant sustainability standards, thereby ensuring our continued competitiveness on the digitalization market.

ti&m operates transparently, ethically, and respectfully.

We have put the necessary checks and safeguards in place and monitor them constantly.

Our environmental footprint

Avoiding waste and using natural resources responsibly are the focus of our activities to minimize our environmental footprint. We aim to digitalize as sustainably as possible:

Code of conduct

Environmental code of conduct

The opportunities for each and every individual to reduce the company’s environmental footprint are set out in this code of conduct. Our code of conduct is published in the employee handbook, and all our employees are bound by it.

Facts and figures


Concrete KPIs show our progress toward our environmental and social sustainability goals.



We have always believed in being close to our clients on our digitalization projects. This minimizes the need for frequent trips to their locations. We also avoid flying wherever possible and use trains and public transport instead, both for business travel and our employee fringe benefits.
Pascal Erni

Head Marketing

Pascal Erni

We’d be happy to take the time to tell you more about ti&m’s commitment to sustainability.