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- uster.ch upgrade
- Container Management Platform for the City of Zurich
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- All downloads
- White paper agile data architectures
- ti&m Special «digital banking»
- Study: Digital Wallets
- Whitepaper «True Lies about AI»
- ti&m special «digital trust»
- Swisscom Places
- ti&m special «AI»
- White paper «Cloud Migration»
- White Paper AI in Banking and Finance
- White Paper Web Accessibility
- ti&m special «digital banking»
- Data-driven Banking
- Neo core banking
- Hybrid advice
- ti&m special Future of Work
- ti&m special E-Government
- ti&m special security
- ti&m special consulting
- Insurance Trend Study 2022
- ti&m Banking Trend Study 2021
- Trend study insurance
- Press
- ti&m begins implementation of new mobile and e-banking for the banks in the ESPRIT network
- Erfolgreiches Go-live des neuen Mobile- und E-Banking der Baloise Bank AG
Neues GL-Mitglied
- Case study details how ti&m is helping VP Bank to accelerate innovation
- Swisscom Sign: the electronic signature for everyone from Swisscom uses ti&m's online identification software
- Baloise switches to ti&m's banking platform
- e-IDAS-Zertifizierung
- Best of Swiss Apps now with IT youth development award from ti&m
- ti&m bestätigt Leaderposition im Schweizer Cloud-Geschäft
- Digital Banking Engagement Platforms Report
- Matthias Stürmer joins ti&m as new advisory board member for e-government
- ti&m erfüllt Anforderungen an Umweltmanagementsystem
- ti&m onboarding solutions pass ETSI certification
- Erstes Google-Anthos-Projekt der Schweiz: ti&m baut mit der Stadt Zürich eine neue Container-Management-Plattform
- ti&m verstärkt Management- und Sales-Power für seine strategischen Themen
- ti&m unter den besten Arbeitgebern der Schweiz
- ti&m eröffnet in Düsseldorf fünfte Niederlassung
- ti&m teams up with e-signature provider Skribble for its onboarding solution
- ti&m-Trendstudie Versicherungen 2022: Cyberrisiken von Firmenkunden unterschätzt
- ti&m baut das E-Government-Geschäft weiter aus
- ti&m verstärkt Management- und Sales-Power für seine strategischen Themen
- Mehr Kreativität und tiefere Immobilienkosten
- ti&m und die main incubator streben Zusammenarbeit im Bereich Self-Sovereign Identity an
- ti&m card management – ti&m rüstet Banken gegen Fintech-Konkurrenz auf
- Neuer Beirat: Jürg Stuker bringt noch mehr Customer Experience in die ti&m
- Trendstudie Banken 2021: Neobanken setzen Schweizer Banken unter Druck
- Liferay zeichnet ti&m als Platinum Partner aus
- ti&m verstärkt strategische Zusammenarbeit mit Magnolia
- ti&m investiert stark in die Erweiterung der Digital Banking Suite
- In weniger als fünf Minuten zum neuen Bankkonto
- ti&m verstärkt Verwaltungsrat mit Johannes Höhener
- Impressum
- Data Protection
- Blog
- Quantum computing – opportunities and challenges for Switzerland as a center of innovation
- Digital transformation – from processing efficiency to advisory services
- Cloud as an opportunity: Banks balance tradition and transformation
- How ti&m makes core banking data accessible through flexible integration solutions
- “AI democratizes access to professional investment knowledge”
- How financial services providers are already benefiting from GenAI
- “This year, we are focusing on introducing the ti&m banking solution”
- At the dawn of an IT revolution: From instruction-based to intention-based computing
- MoMo is the new Micro
- Promoting collaborative business intelligence with Open Datastack
- “The e-ID is a crucial building block for Switzerland’s digital transformation”
- “Our CHFD stablecoin will lead to the development of new use cases”
- New mobile and e-banking as the basis for next-generation customer interaction
- “Those who are already exploring the e-ID will have a competitive advantage in 2026”
- E-ID: a knowledge-based environment and adaptation by companies are crucial
- How ti&m creates digital trust
- AI — a matter of trust?
- Who is looking at whom?
- Digital trust and data exchange in the housing ecosystem
- The psychology of cybersecurity: Understanding and minimizing human risks
- “It's great that ti&m gives me the freedom to pursue competitive sports”
- How Self-Defense Classes Improve the Lives of Women in Refugee Camps
- “IT companies are the main driver of innovation for banks”
- How the Federal Office for Cyber Security is promoting resilience
- Confidential notarial services in the digital age
- Lawyer Cornelia Stengel on the opportunities and limits of digitalization.
- Improving the resilience of IT services with SBOMs
- Transforming job profiles through infrastructure as code and AI
- Crypto as a pioneer of digital trust
- Why insurance companies need to invest in tech and data now
- Will DeFi make banks obsolete as intermediaries?
- “Facial recognition in public spaces needs to be discussed in society”
- How Cyber Command benefits from the militia system
- Digital trust at ti&m: a holistic approach
- Empowering innovation through digital trust
- How the Swiss Payment System is Revolutionized with Instant Payment
- “Without security, there is no business in a digital world”
- Trust is the key to success
- Generative AI — is the writing on the wall for Copyright?
- Establishing a data and analytics organization
- The future of blockchain interoperability
- Cyber risk mitigation — increasing costs or creating value?
- “AI is playing an increasingly important role in the music industry”
- Maximizing collaboration and productivity: The value of Teams Apps for hybrid work
- The Benefit of AI in Desk Booking
- Desk booking tools: Benefits and Challenges
- The rise of hybrid work: Benefits and challenges
- The 10 benefits of desk booking software
- Four success factors for hybrid working
- Data-driven banking: Mission data – leveraging coporate treasures
- Financial industry in transition: Time to say goodbye to account — card — credit pack
- Event sourcing: Storing events instead of discarding data
- “Digital ethics: In some contexts, we shouldn’t use autonomous systems at all”
- App to the cloud: Cloud migration
- Using your smartphone as a pen
- Language-based productivity — artificial intelligence as a copilot
- How to use AI to make the most of company data
- “When it comes to creativity, ChatGPT outperforms humans by a long stretch”
- Six reasons why you need desk booking software
- “Doing business in Singapore requires speed and agility”
- “Innovation is often just talk”
- Hybrid work: the new reality of working life – five points to keep in mind
- Promoting Innovation: Moving into the Digital Future
- One pot for everything
- What digitalization has to do with sustainability. And vice versa.
- "It's important to be a nerd"
- “Ideas are worthless in and of themselves”
- Of health-promoting bracelets and digital lifestyle coaches
- Innovation through participation
“The majority of our
range is IoT-ready” - “Digital first” and “user last”?
- The challenges Artificial Intelligence poses for cyber security
- New approaches in quality assurance
- Creating innovative ecosystems with open networks
- Large Language Models: a Game Changer
- “We need to quickly gain experience with AI and use the opportunitie that arise”
- Open by default: It’s the law
- Skills shortage: Why the right job ads and female role models matter
- Future-proof container management-platform for Zurich
- Swiss digitalization solutions for the Singapore Financial Center
- Countering uncertainties with domestic software development
- The holistic advisory solution from ti&m
- Open Banking: New developments of the ti&m Banking Integration
- Metaverse: Virtual reality or a digital dream?
- Collaboration between business and federal government strengthens cyber resilience
- New banking with blockchain – are we there yet?
- Customer advisory services in the metaverse
- Vertical integration thanks to modular neo-core banking systems
- Neo Cores vs. Legacy Cores: What lies ahead?
- An analysis on hybrid advisory solutions in retail banking
- Screen people efficiently using AI
- Why SIX’s bLink is becoming the leading Swiss open-finance platform
- Requirements engineering training at SWICA: working on the basis of a common language
New solutions need
new processes
- “Work isn’t some place you go to”
- Rethinking consulting solutions in banking
- The workplace, redefined
- “Flexible working doesn’t mean longer working hours”
- Digital credentials for new ways of working
- Working in the cloud – the challenges for data protection
- SEO-Strategien im E-Commerce, die zum Erfolg führen
- A blessing for some, a curse for others
- New ways of working in public administration
- Agility within your own four walls
- “Virtual space is based on the same logic as real space.”
- Authentication vs. Authorization with OAuth, Does It Really Matter?
- Introduction to Threat Detection on Kubernetes with Falco
- Why Podman is worth a look
- MAC Token Profile: the Never-Ending Battle over Signatures
- “I want to make ti&m’s security offering even more user-friendly.”
- Why users want the right thing but do the wrong thing
- «Wir erarbeiten Lösungen, die am Markt, und nicht nur auf dem Papier, funktionieren»
- Der Geist in der Maschine
- Self-Sovereign Identity im Code Camp
- Dank Liquid Working schrittweise zurück in den Alltag
- «Die körperliche Arbeit und die frische Luft vermisse ich schon ein wenig»
- "Meine Velosammlung ist der Wahnsinn"
- «Im besten Fall erkennen Informatiker die Algorithmen hinter den Bildern»
- «Ich würde jederzeit wieder eine Auszeit machen»
- «Meine Kunst stiess auf grosses Interesse von den Mitarbeitenden von ti&m»
- Building and Managing an Ambidextrous Organization
- How can you help your employees and your business with a plan for Lifelong Learning?
- “Processing all personal data of the federal administration centrally is in conflict with our constitutional state”
- The digital state in Singapore
- How the City of Zurich is going digital
- Innovation from the garage: ti&m places
- The long road to the digital state
- Digitalizing the public sector: challenges and lessons learned
- The cloud: blessing or curse? It’s a matter of perspective
- From manual process to digital reporting platform in a few short weeks
- Wanted: People who get things done
- Why users want the right thing but do the wrong thing
- The digital transformation needs digital designers
- Sneak peek: The “ti&m Banking Trend Study 2021”
- ti&m Research: Foundation for consulting @ti&m
- VZ finance portal — more than just e-banking
- Panel discussion: How Swiss banks master digitalization
- Open banking as a business model – the implications for banks
- Moritz Baumotte will niemals auslernen
- Consulting @ti&m – coming to grips with changing technology
- Banking as a service – a completely new concept?
- “The eLounge is a crucial element in our multichannel strategy”
- An app is about more than just technology
- Innovation machine Switzerland – How can you leverage the full potential?
- To get digitalization right, you need the right products
- How SWISS banished paper from the cockpit
- To get digitalization right, you need the right products
- «Die eLounge ist ein wichtiges Element in unserer Multi-Channel-Strategie»
- Wir garantieren den Projektbetrieb zu jeder Zeit
- «Die KI ist das Kunstwerk, das Bild nur ihre visuelle Repräsentation»
- "With AI projects, you need a long breath"
- Besser mobil mit AI?
- In der Mitte wird es eng – Wie AI die Arbeitswelt und damit unser Leben verändern wird
- Keine Angst vor AI
- «Ich schätze es, dass ti&m ganz selbstverständlich Auszeiten ermöglicht»
- «Zürich bietet den idealen Nährboden für die Entwicklung von neuen AI-Technologien»
- Banken müssen ihr E-Banking neu denken
- Mongol Rally Sprint 3: Von Usbekistan bis ans Ziel
- Wir wollen uns als führenden CAS im Bereich Digital Banking positionieren
- Das war art@work 2019 in Zürich
- Ab in die Cloud – wie ti&m Helsana+ in die Cloud brachte
- « ti&m hat mich von Beginn an voll bei meiner Weiterbildung unterstützt »
- Wind of Change
- AI and the cloud – a universal panacea?
- Microsoft Inspire 2019 – get inspired by cloud
- «Auch als Künstler muss man den Bleistift mal auf die Seite tun und digital schaffen»
- «Als MVP kann ich Probleme auch in weniger als 30 Minuten lösen»
- From the hybrid cloud to the multi‑cloud – new opportunities for success
- «Dank Liquid Working kann auch ich als Manager eine Auszeit nehmen»
- «Dank Liquid Working hatte ich mehr Zeit für meine Weiterbildung»
- Smartes Loginverfahren ohne lästiges Abtippen
- “Disruption isn’t off the menu. It’s just taking a bit longer.”
- “Disruption isn’t off the menu. It’s just taking a bit longer.”
- From uncertainty factor to motivator
- «Administrative bodies also need to be designers»
- Kununu und Pro Familia Schweiz zeichnen ti&m für Familienfreundlichkeit aus
- «Eine solch grosse Flexibilität gibt es bei kaum einer anderen IT-Firma»
- Das war der Zukunftstag bei ti&m
- [OD3[4MP - A summary of the second ti&m code camp
- Bewegende Software-Architektur: Wie funktioniert Architekturarbeit in agilen Vorhaben?
- Starke digitale Identität für Start-ups
- In agiler Mission zum Mars
- Wo ist WaITer?
- "Standardfragen können auswendig gelernt werden, ein Gespräch nicht."
- "Halt, halt, halt! Das sind alles wichtige Informationen!"
- ti&m auch in Frankfurt auf Wachstumskurs
- On the Internet, Nobody Knows You're a Dog – Identification with OpendIDConnect, the Prelude to Unique OAuth Authorization
- Become a Digital Ambassador
- Digitales Aikido in der Finanzindustrie
- How Does HCE Address the EMV Goals?
- Warum Robo Advisor an Sparkonten scheitern
- Eine neue Möglichkeit der Art Direction bei responsiven Bildern
- HackZurich: This Is How 565 Techies Spent the Weekend
- What Can Small Businesses Gain from Data Analytics?
- Wird der Zero Moment of Truth von Versicherern berücksichtigt?
- The End of All Projects, or: Taking Agile to the Next Level
- More with LeSS: An Interview with Cesario Ramos
- I do not love you
- Wie „Joy“ das Einkaufserlebnis revolutionieren wird
- Lazy Angular: Writing Scalable AngularJS Apps
- Authentication Is Good, Trust Is Better. What About Trusting Delegated Identity?
- Sneak peek: The “ti&m Banking Trend Study 2021”
- “The future does not just come – it is made. And it is made by us!”
- “AI only works with a strong business case”
- Beschleunigt die Corona-Krise die Digitalisierung der Schweizer Banken?
- AI und UX Design - eine neue Liebe mit Herausforderungen
- SHIP – the future of communication in Swiss health care
- Why the financial sector should invest in SEO – and our top SEO tips
- Erfolgreiches SEO mit dem Magnolia CMS
- Digitalization, done safely!
- Who will win the Hybrid Multi-Cloud War?
- When the door checks who goes in and out all by itself
- Agile Frameworks – Eine Übersicht
- The digital transformation is changing customer behaviour and expectations
- Kubernetes vs. OpenShift
- Wie Roboter die digitale Transformation beschleunigen können
- The private cloud for public institutions
- Quick Guide to Successfully Becoming Agile
- Digitalisation calls for Agile strategy processes
- One step closer to the digital future with SHIP
- “Digitalization that bypasses citizens leads to action for the sake of it”
- Agile procurement and procurement of agile projects
- Setup eines Maven-basierten Multi-Modul-Build
- Why digital customer identification is essential for survival
- Digitalization is business
- SSI - The Digital Identity Card
- Successful digitalization requires holistic strategies: Consulting @ti&m
- How to use single sign-on as an authentication solution for microservices
- 7 simple steps to successful SEO with the Magnolia CMS
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Open Datastack is a modular data platform that is based on open source components and is used both in the cloud and on-premises. The focus of Open Datastack is on interactive collaboration around data, dashboards and workflows.
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Open Datastack is a modular data platform that is based on open source components and is used both in the cloud and on-premises. The focus of Open Datastack is on interactive collaboration around data, dashboards and workflows.
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Open Datastack is a modular data platform that is based on open source components and is used both in the cloud and on-premises. The focus of Open Datastack is on interactive collaboration around data, dashboards and workflows.
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The Innovation Ranking 2025 ranks ti&m among the most innovative companies in Switzerland: ti&m is among the top 10 in the categories ‘Top 150 innovators in Switzerland’ and ‘Innovation culture’.
Discover our awards
In a comprehensive study, the Handelszeitung together with Statista identified the best employers in Switzerland in 2025. We are proud to have secured third place in the "Internet, Telecommunications and IT" sector.
Discover our awards
Beyond banking: Artificial intelligence, asset tokenization, cloud, and quantum computing – in the new ti&m Special, we show what is driving the banking sector and present some of our projects for Swiss banks.
Download nowOur industry expertise includes services in the AI, banking, insurance, public, transportation, e-government, retail and industry sectors.
ti&m banking is a modular financial technology platform to deliver fulfilling banking experiences in retail, corporate and private banking.
Our industry-specific solutions combine years of industry experience with technological expertise and can be tailored to meet your company's specific needs.
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Exciting roles on IT projects, extraordinary events and countless benefits all await you at ti&m. Apply now and surf with us!
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