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Customer service is your core business. So treat it that way.

High-quality customer service continues to be the heartland of Swiss banks, (still) setting them apart from the standardized services and products offered by neobanks. However, much of customer loyalty is determined by high switching costs and a dearth of alternatives; especially for younger target groups, usability and mobile compatibility are also key factors. Digital banks will increasingly venture into the core area of customer service, while major banks are already investing in developing hybrid advice landscapes in order to provide optimum support to customers. Retail banks too should pay increased attention to hybrid advice solutions – i.e. the symbiosis between physical, holistic advice and self-service support in the standardized product sale.

5 advantages of hybrid advice for banks and customers

1. Different types of customers can get advice and support in the way they prefer
2. Stronger customer loyalty and ties thanks to the interplay between humans and technology
3. Better customer experience: technology helps the customer keep track of their own situation
4. The time and effort involved for the bank decreases as a result of partly automating processes
5. The quality of advice increases

For us at ti&m, hybrid conculting quite simply means: “Humans stepping in where it makes sense to do so for the customers – high touch supplements high tech. The bank remains by the customer’s side throughout their life.”

Prerequisites for banks to implement hybrid advice

To offer customers user-friendly, straightforward self-service functions and advice whilst also providing comprehensive, holistic support to these same customers if required, certain prerequisites need to be met ‒ both technologically and culturally.

- Automatable processes
- Qualifying customer advisers for the job
- Open, API-based and adaptable architecture

In his white paper, Stefan Rüesch describes these and other key points for implementing hybrid advice solutions.

Download the hybrid advice whitepaper for free now.

Contact us if you would like to discuss the topic in more depth.

Read the white paper now

In-depth insights into the future of customer advisory services from our digital banking specialists.