To pursue their professions in the Canton of Zurich, doctors, dentists, pharmacists or persons with similar professions must regularly submit or renew applications to the Department of Health of the Canton of Zurich. Thanks to eBeGe – electronic authorizations in the healthcare sector – these applications can now be completed and submitted completely online and are transferred to the specialist application of the Department of Health for further processing without media discontinuity. Error-free communication between the two systems was an important requirement, as the specialist application was being developed in parallel with the project.

“What we appreciate about ti&m is its solution-oriented, straightforward collaborative approach, as well as its ability to flexibly call in personnel during intensive phases – such as the efficient processing of bug fixes during the test phase.”– Gina Trevisan, Business Analyst & Project Manager for Process Digitization and Innovation, Department of Health of the Canton of Zurich

Head of AI & Digital Solutions
Lisa Kondratieva
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