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Life-saving applications in medicine, an intelligence that makes the best decision in critical situations, or simply an assistant that does boring, repetitive work for us. More than almost any other technology, AI is associated with the implicit promise of a universal problem solver, a better future even.

In the new issue of our ti&m special, IT managers from companies, entrepreneurs, lawyers and ethicists show what this great promise means in practice, which applications are already in use and what effects – from daily business to fundamental ethical issues – artificial intelligence has.

“When it comes to creativity, ChatGPT outperforms humans by a long stretch”

SwissGPT // Pascal Kaufmann from the start-up AlpineAI is confident that Switzerland is an AI country and has everything it needs to be at the forefront of international competition. By creating SwissGPT, the start-up is offering corporate clients a Swiss alternative to ChatGPT and Google Bard.

Pascal Kaufmann, AlpineAI

Language-based productivity — artificial intelligence as a copilot

Microsoft Switzerland // ChatGPT brings AI into the realm of human language, opening up new possibilities and sparking debates. The real added value is much less disruptive than you might think, as it in fact boosts productivity and satisfaction.

Marc Holitscher, Microsoft Switzerland

“In some contexts, we shouldn’t use autonomous systems at all”

Digital ethics // Oliver Bendel has been researching and publishing books on information, robot and machine ethics for many years, and has been invited to speak as an expert at the German Bundestag and European Parliament several times. We talked to him about the opportunities associated with AI, the morals behind the machines, plus the concepts of guilt and responsibility with autonomous systems.

Prof. Dr. Oliver Bendel, FHNW

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The first year after ChatGPT — where are we in the AI revolution?

Lisa Kondratieva

Head of Mobile & IoT

Lisa Kondratieva

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