A pot for everything. Controlled with an app.
Melting chocolate precisely at 42 degrees, cooking sous-vide beef tenderloin at 57 degrees, or frying fries at 160 degrees: Wired Cooking has developed a cooking pot that prepares (almost) all dishes perfectly. The smart cooker operates without a stove and is controlled via an app developed by ti&m.
“The project was challenging because the development of the app had to be coordinated with the development of the controller by ti&m. They provided us with a highly capable and efficient developer with whom we could communicate directly, without the need for a product owner, which streamlined the collaboration. Additionally, ti&m was able to flexibly provide us with other suitable team members as needed. It’s precisely this agility that is required for such a project.”– Dirk Uhlenhaut, Wired Cooking

Head of Mobile
Nathalie Madörin
Let’s tackle your next IoT project together.