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“Hey ChatGPT, write me an engaging and inspiring introduction of up to 50 words on the use of AI in digital marketing and give at least one interesting, specific example of how AI can be used in that area”

– Mirjam Mettler, ti&m

I haven’t added the introduction generated by ChatGPT here for copyright reasons. But all of you could generate your own to see the kind of thing it came up with. I can reveal this much, though — it was impressive. Out of curiosity, I had ChatGPT generate a whole article. Even more impressive. At the end, I was left with a feeling of inferi­ority — not only because AI can formulate better sentences than me, but because it also seems to know a lot more about the use of AI in digital marketing. This much is certain — if I want to continue to grow professionally in the field of digital marketing, there’s no way around AI.

Big data: The foundation of artificial intelligence

Intelligence, whether human or artificial, is based on data. For human intelligence, this data consists of our experiences, our learned knowledge, and everything our memory is capable of storing. Artificial intelligence uses an enormous wealth of data which, thanks to the internet, grows every second — in other words, big data. This huge trove of information puts all human sources of education and experience to shame, no matter how extensive they are. Our memories can no longer keep up. For us, big data is nothing other than immeasur­able sensory overload. But for AI tools, it’s what gets the wheels turning. And AI is a goldmine for digital marketing because it can use huge quantities of data to uncover valuable information about consumers and their online behavior.

How is AI used in marketing?

The second driving factor for the success of intelligence is the way this data is processed. Only AI can efficiently process the unfath­omable amount of information made avail­able by big data. In the world of marketing, it’s already well established. Google uses it to recognize patterns and trends, and to make predictions. The great value of AI in digital marketing is that we can target users more precisely and provide highly personalized messages.

Analyzing internet behavior with AI

Artificial intelligence goes, and always has gone, hand-in-hand with digital marketing. And one thing is clear — users’ online behav­ior is constantly being monitored by AI. So the content they can access online becomes more and more relevant, personalized and accurate. With the right AI tools, you can identify and filter out trigger points and behavior-guiding elements in seconds. AI en­ables you to fully realize your true potential to increase user engagement. Advanced AI even uses facial recognition, mood analysis, and voice recognition to react in line with users’ emotions.

Automated insights in Google Analytics

Users of Google Analytics 4 are well aware that the AI tool effortlessly tells them when each customer segment buys something and what that thing is. Not to mention what the best conditions for transactions are and which conversions are particularly relevant. Google Analytics calls this ‘automated insights’ — personalized recommendations that are generated for Google Analytics 4 users based on data. The tool not only provides a massive amount of data, it also tells you what to do with that information.

Smart bidding, data-driven attribution and optimized targeting in Google Ads

In Google Ads, the use of AI-supported technology is old hat. Every campaign manager is familiar with smart bidding and optimized targeting. They are constantly examining data for factors that can target the best bids or highest conversion rates. The tool creates automated target groups from customer information and predicts probability based on historical data and real-time interactions. And these predictions are getting better and better.

Artificial intelligence in SEO

Since ChatGPT arrived, perhaps even before, artificial intelligence has also become relevant for search engine optimization. AI creates content faster and more efficiently than any content editor, however talented, and analyzes how well the content matches the needs of the target group. And then it spits out high-quality optimization sugges­tions. Thanks to machine learning and natural language processing, it can create quality content based on relevant keywords in seconds. This isn’t just the case for text — videos and other content formats can be generated at even faster speeds.

Data intelligence and the future of digital marketing

So what can we take away from all that? In essence, it’s fairly obvious: If you try to optimize your marketing without using AI these days, you’ll soon be at a disadvantage. AI is miles ahead of all human efforts due to its efficiency, speed and quality. Successful digital marketing today just isn’t possible without data intelligence and AI.

The bottom line on ChatGPT

And since AI is so much better, I’ll compare my conclusion with the article I had ChatGPT produce and see if AI agrees... which it does, of course. But who’s really surprised? In fact, it has more to say than I do, adding that since AI is constantly being developed further, staying at the forefront of these innovations will be essential for competitiveness in the digital landscape. And getting to the forefront, as we now know, can definitely only be done with AI.

This is an article of the ti&m special “AI”

Want to read more about AI and data usage? Download the whole issue for free now!